Helping online creators & artists create
By showing the real techniques that FC Media uses to create amazing physical & digital products that audiences love, and teaching other creators how to do this too.
Do you have an established audience & need assistance with this, or know of other creators & artists who need help in creating awesome products for their audiences? Let us know!

We do things a little differently here…
When most online creators & artists start their platforms, they wholeheartedly believe that by focusing on their creations, that money will follow their passion. Sadly though, it isn’t always that simple…
They sign up for a “merchandise company,” only to discover that the merch they create is shipped late, poor quality, and that their once happy viewers are now unhappy customers.
They quickly discover that paid sponsorships mean that they lose creative control over their creations & stories, and now have to make whatever their sponsor demands.
And they quickly discover that Adsense pays on average very low $1-4 EPCs (and that half the time, their videos get demonetized anyway).
Luckily, there is another way to maintain control, joy & freedom in the work & art you create. And that is to learn that actual process of how to create & sell products that your viewers & subscribers will love – and create your own stable income stream that isn’t reliant on others!
Do you need consultation for an established audience, or have a workshop you need help running?